Senin, 12 Maret 2018

DIW Token // Global Security Solutions for Sensitive Personal Data

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Introdction recently announced the next ICO because it has just entered the Whitelist phase - where the first participant is invited to join the project and contribute the lowest possible price.

DIW's unique concept is to address global security vulnerabilities related to sensitive personal data, including identification documents, bank details, login information, and health records to name a few. the introduction of Secure Digital Vault.

This will be an entry to professional directories and global individuals where transparency will be regulated, providing an unprecedented level of security and trust among all members. Secure payment gateways for eCommerce sites, which will receive fiat and crypto currency, will also be introduced to allow for the widespread adoption of all crypto currencies.


Currently, there are some sectors that are not affected by digital data exchange. Due to this dependency, the offense is a direct threat to the stability and security of our global system. Floods indicate when and how many affected entities, in some cases, are the result of disasters. The international community is increasingly aware of this major security threat, as all seek solutions for their security and peace of mind.

Global reaction

Everyday people are naturally concerned. Some personal and social media hack incidents have distributed millions of sensitive personal data by virtually reappearing on the Dark Web with unfavorable views.

Industry professionals are also getting tired in terms of data breaches about their business. Unfortunately, the impact of these data breaches is not limited to the digital aspect but also the physical aspects, such as the security and real security of their place - even the property was recently questioned. !

And then there's the government. The FBI recently warned that "persistent threats" of cyber attacks are increasingly targeting sensitive information stored on government networks around the world through cyber espionage. With a wave of nuclear war looming on the horizon, data breaches may be the spark needed to release such confrontation with catastrophic consequences.

Develop online cheating

Every year, more and more people are tearing their valuables online. It is said that the trend increases by 14% every 3 years, this percentage increases every year. A recent report revealed that 75% of companies included in the global survey were victims of fraud with 69% of this financial loss.

The number that individuals are scammed after making online transactions with subsequent financial losses is considered higher because individuals are less prepared and more vulnerable to attack. Finding professional people who are reliable, and cooperating businesses are becoming increasingly difficult.

Obviously, there is something to be done if we want a fully transparent market and a safe way to trade funds.

Using Crypto Currency

In just 12 months, the total market capitalization of all Crypto currencies has increased by 1700%! At time of writing, it has surpassed the $ 600 billion mark.

But there is a trap: Cryptographic currencies are only used in cryptographic communities and online exchanges - not in everyday life.

It is clear that there is a huge need for cryptocurrency to be widely accepted by the world's leading retail sales - e-commerce.

Proposal DIW

DIW avec l'OIC à venir, les plans de pont et de résoudre tous les problèmes mentionné ci-dessus avec l'introduction d'un blockchain basé sur le réseau mondial et décentralisé avec sa propre monnaie et l'écosystème.

Pour accéder au réseau, les membres auront le coffre-fort sécurisé, où ils peuvent économiser toute «vie numérique», ils comprennent des documents tels que les papiers d'identité, passeports, KYC et KYS, contrats financiers, les dossiers médicaux et les informations saisies.

Les organisations et les individualus du monde entier pourront rejoindre et échanger leurs services sous la forme de répertoires mondiaux. Les réseaux s'assureront que leur identité est validée et que les détails sont exacts. La transaction sera réalisée en toute transparence et tous les membres du réseau pourront voir la réelle de chaque membre sous la forme de notes d'évaluation.

Le jeton DIW sera utilisé et accepté sur le réseau pour les transactions entre les membres, ce qui permettra une sécurité accrue. Des services de sécurité supplémentaires, tels que des services d'entiercement basés sur des contrats numériques, seront également offerts.

Pour couronner le tout et suivre la tendance kriptocurrency, les plans passerelle de paiement DIW pour se présenter à être facilement intégré dans un site Web de commerce électronique qui acceptent la monnaie FIAT et Crypto permettant l'utilisation de la monnaie Crypto dans la vie quotidienne.

Phase INW et ICO

DIW prévoit de poursuivre son projet en phase en fonction des fonds investis.
  • Étape 1: introduction du coffre-fort numérique sécurisé
  • Étape 2: Passerelle de paiement
  • Stage 3: développement et déploiement de DIW Global Directory
  • Étape 4: Les services d'entiercement payés sous la forme de contrats intelligents avec d'autres services seront introduits
  • Étape 5: incorporer les dossiers électroniques de santé (DSE) du secteur de la santé.
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The service will be secure and managed by a decentralized blockchain network that will store all highly encrypted data and will also be available at all times for its legitimate owner.

To achieve this goal, DIW plans to continue crowdfunding, which will achieve project results. Just entered the Whitelist phase - the initial phase of his ICO.

For more details:

Penulis: Adikusnadi
Alamat ETH: 0x1b1d7A5D27aFA9084E9D38765F20ed9fE96e6050

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