Jumat, 13 April 2018

SEAL - Giving Consumers and Manufacturers Trust Products



Blockchain is a new discovery that really revolutionized the global business market. The evolution that has benefited not only business but also beneficiaries. However, because of the revelation to the world, the vision for operational activities is unclear. The biggest question for everyone is - what is a chain block? First, block-chain technology serves as a platform for transferring digital information without the risk of copying. In some ways lay the foundation for a strong backbone of this new kind of Internet space.


To overcome the original Bitcoin - algorithm, I try to explain to the layman about the functions of the hash function, and the digital signature property, Blockchain block chain operations can be understood as Distributed Ledger technology designed to support Bitcoin cryptocurrency. However, this technology has been revised to increase productivity while posting criticism and heavy rejection. Imagine an actual spreadsheet increasing in many computing systems to get a clear picture. Imagine that this network was then designed to update this spreadsheet over time. The information stored in a block chain is a shared sheet and the data is adjusted over time. This is a practical way to talk about many clear benefits. Block-chain data does not exist in one place. This means that everything stored there has been opened for public viewing and verification. In addition, there is no centralized information storage platform that can be compromised by hackers. Practical access to nearly one million computing systems and individuals with Internet connectivity can refer to data.


To create a more sincere world, for the love of creation.
Seals want to restore confidence to consumers and allow brands to interact with the most submitted customers in the most direct way viewed by the internet. Together, we build a better world where consumers value the creative work of the maker and stop feeding the false economy.

What is SEAL?

Seal is a product certification and block-based service platform that provides product trust to consumers and manufacturers.
Seal allows anyone to confidently, quickly, and economically verify the reliability of a product that can be covered.
The proprietary seal technology uses NFC-compatible seal chips that can be effectively, safely, and discretely integrated into manufactured physical products. By integrating seal chips, pair the products with the digital counterparts of the block chain. With simple tabs or scans on all smart devices, you can immediately check activation.

The seal platform consists of several components.
  • Products with chip seals that uniquely identify physical products.
  • Seal applications installed on NFC compatible smartphones.
  • Token tokens that allow communication between different parts of the platform.
  • Network seal, Invariant block-chain database with validation.
A brand is the only publisher of a pair product in a block chain. This way you can see how many authentic copies come out of your brand. An impure manufacturer can not replicate the token again and can not produce counterfeit goods that can be sent in earnest.

Utility Token


token seals are used to pay for consumer and brand service fees. The number of supported services will increase over time
increased platform. The current version of the app already provides validation and registration of ownership. The table at the bottom shows all the features currently being developed or scheduled. Future brands can pay customers through certain activities (such as loyalty systems).

An original

The phosphorus certificate calling the final destination is the consumer
the product will be the currency of the currency exchange optimized for authenticity is. In this way, the token seal is a medium of exchange.
This is not included in the list of services because there is no additional charge. When used in this way, you can use your seal token as a direct payment for product costs.

When purchasing a product using a seal token, ownership is claimed immediately, but payments to the seller are made through blockchain at the same time. When you pay for products using seals, we guarantee the exchange of goods for buyers and sellers. As general fiat trading money, (a) original products, (b) there is no way to know for sure whether the physical money / bills are not fake. Seal tokens are currency optimized for merchandise trades used, and very strong in market transactions used. Country currencies such as USD or EUR are primitive compared to strong attributes as intermediaries for seals and exchange and token utilities.

Token sales

Token Cap

A maximum of 1.2 b tokens will be printed and will never exceed this amount. No more than 492 million tokens will be allocated for token sales rounds. Discounts and bonuses depend on strategic partnerships and transaction sizes. KYC and AML Emission Tokens are required before purchasing tokens. Buyers must provide their details and addresses to be used to send Ether from. If the tokens in the presale round remain unsold, tokens will be offered on a large scale. The token offered remains unsold after the primary sale will be distributed proportionally to ALL the sales token participants.

Example: Buyers bought 3.69m Seal tokens during main sales, 123m (25%) tokens remain unsold. Buyer receives 1.23m [(3.69 / (492-123)) x 123] additional tokens for a total of 4.92m tokens.


Token Aloccation

We plan to allocate tokens as shown in the following table.



The following projection shows the scope and scale of the organization that is intended for each milestone. This may change depending on internal and environmental factors. Our marketing strategy is to target boutique designers, art, and limited edition products. Once models and demand have been proven we can scale business and target a wider range of products.




For more information and join social media. Seal now please browse through some sources for the following references:


Penulis : Adikusnadi
Bitcointalk Profil : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile
Alamat dompet ETH : 0x1b1d7A5D27aFA9084E9D38765F20ed9fE96e6050

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