Selasa, 13 November 2018


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iAM solves the biggest problem of rejection in health care with our distributed system. Patients with long-term conditions consistently receive warnings, reminders, and follow-ups. They are processed automatically, without the need for effort or resources from doctors, practitioners, or patients.
The integrated iAM platform addresses the most serious health issues, including insurance fraud, drug compliance, prescription abuse, and the problem of portability of medical information. With partners from Guardtime, Healthcare Gateway, and DXS, our solutions will be available for more than 70% of the UK population.
We provide records using the Keyless Signature Infrastructure infrastructure. This provides patients with constant GDP and HIPAA indicators that meet personal hygiene requirements. Users smartly share their medical data through GuardMan's Health Information Exchange (HSX). The iAM platform uses smart contracts to manage digital transactions and payments in our healthcare economy.


Patients want the best results for health, the lowest cost per pocket and the ability to manage their medical records directly from their cellphones. Patients are very concerned about cyber criminals targeting their medical records. This data is now worth 100 times more than a credit card number! They want their medical records to be kept confidential and safe.
Doctors and suppliers want to increase their productivity and income, providing patients with the highest quality care and the lowest cost.
Insurers want to predict risk, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. This is possible through better risk assessment and claim handling. All insurance needs are accurate, up-to-date information about health, and the desire to significantly reduce counterfeit health care. At present, such fraud is a problem in the amount of 260 billion dollars worldwide. Researchers want access to anonymous longitudinal personal health care data for health analysts. Partners want to express influence, attract and retain more customers, and gain access to a wider health care market.
AI Analystics has an insatiable thirst for health data.


iAM makes patient health data active by automatically creating unique individual care paths that are specific to each patient. This application includes multilingual warnings, reminders and follow-up actions to help patients achieve the best health outcomes. All of this is available on the patient's cellphone. Decentralized technology also ensures data security for each patient.
IAM's personal data recordings are digital, active and can be accessed anywhere in the health care setting.

This saves doctors time, and time is the same as money. Our records use the best evidence in the world to improve the quality of patient care. Personal care pathways ensure that your oue solution provides the best costumes at the lowest possible cost. Patient data is stored and shared safely. This can be accessed and updated using the owner's concentrate.
With concentration, insurance companies get access to comprehensive real-time data through the iAM personal data registration platform. All personalized care records are in accordance with evidence based on evidence. Insurers will be able to conduct risk assessments to optimize efficiency and reduce claims processing costs. Decentralization allows you to safely share unchanged personal health data that is evidence of fraud and evidence of unauthorized access.
iAM personal accounting allows you to explore access to patient data that is comprehensive, longitudinal, multilingual, structured, coded and anonymous. The patient also had the opportunity to share his personal identification data, receive iAM awards and discounts.

iAM allows partners to sign iAM personal hygiene applications and package them with their own solutions. This increases efficiency, reduces costs, attracts new customers and increases customer loyalty.
There is no better access to health data for AI than complete, comprehensive, longitudinal, multilingual and structured personal care records. IAM's personal hygiene record provides real-time access to better analysis of AI Analystics data.

Critical problem

Patients, doctors, insurance, researchers, public health authorities and large pharmacists often have different goals. However, they usually face similar problems. Some examples include:

  • $ 260 billion. Lost in health insurance fraud
  • 73% Annual mortality increase from prescription abuse
  • The lack of portability of data limits the choice of patients and insurance companies.
  • $ 290 million lost due to non-compliance
  • Cybercriminals target medical data
  • Digitizing alone does not guarantee that records can be trusted.

iAM provides new ways to manage your health trips and personalized care data. We achieve this by integrating existing IT infrastructure with modern technology:
Share SMART contracts
Mobile recordings and mobile applications
Key industrial infrastructure
IAM Structured Data Interface
EHR Silase Clinic

Token Details
  • Simvol: IAM
  • PRICE: $ 0.40
  • Стоимость токена: 500 000 000
  • Token Type: ERC20 utility token
Token distribution
  • 50% of sales to buyers in token sales
  • 38% of iAM reserves
  • 8% Team and founders
  • 2% Community Engagement
  • 2% Bounty Campaign
Token Economics

iAM allows users to control their health data. Users manage their personal health data and share it with doctors, hospitals, health care providers, and other health care providers. iAM gives awards to people who choose to share their anonymous health data with iAM tokens.
Members pay to keep their records safely on our block, share with health care professionals and record their records using IoT devices.
Members pay for medical services using iAM tokens. This transaction creates a significant iAM health economy.


2018 Q2

iAM has used MVP in the form of a fully operational mobile personal data recording application. We also demonstrated the successful integration with Guardtime.
IAM iAM Healthcare is the foundation for the Healthy Athlete Software system used by the Special Olympics. Since 2003, this system has recorded data for more than 1.8 million athletes. The iAM HealthOne architecture is used by more than 3,000 doctors in five countries. It regulates the lives of more than 6 million patients.

2018 Q3

Put the foundation for the iAM Health Care economy

2018 Q4

iAM Crowdfunding
Further integration with DXS, Healthcare Gateway and Patient Advocate

2019 Q1

Integrating Guard Technology Solutions (KSI & HSX)
Update the iAM Web user interface and Mobile Application. Integration of IoT Kaa Platform
Integrate decentralized wallets embedded in the iAM mobile app and make Fiat on the rise
Improved record sharing through smart contracts
Activate iAM Platform Store. Record, share, pay, and make money through digital health care operations.

2019 Q2

Expand Guardtime's personal hygiene entry.
Valid Integrate

2019 Q4

Expand scaling plans in the US and Australia

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